Tuesday, January 10, 2012

if "plan A" doesn't work, there are still 25 more letters of the alphabet. stay cool.

you deserve to be with someone who is going to make you happy. not sad. someone who is going to be there with you through everything. someone who will understand you make mistakes. someone who is willing to accept who you are, all your flaws included.

i tell this to everyone who is struggling over a relationship. it's what i always say, but why do i not think this for myself? why am i so stuck on one boy? because i'm afraid. i'm terrified no one is ever going to love me again. 
and yeah, i have problems. but i'm dealing with them. i'll be better than normal someday. having bipolar is a gift, not a curse. when the emotional stuff settles down, i'm still going to be brilliant. i'm still going to be creative. i'm still going to change the world. and i can do all of that by myself. i really can conquer the world without anyone. i can change the way people view mental illness, i can change the way people treat people. and that's what i'm going to do. because i'm strong enough. because i've been to hell and back. that's why. i love my life. i love that i have bipolar disorder, because i feel emotion more than other people. i can relate to a very, very wide range of people. i can relate to depressed people. i can relate to people in their happiest moments, because, i've felt it. i've felt all of it. 
and that makes me special. that makes me something not many people can fall in love with. and, when the day comes that someone loves me, my weird quirks and emotional problems included, then he'll be the one. he'll be the one i spend my life with. because he won't leave when things get hard. and maybe He really is the one. maybe God really did have something in mind for us, and we both need to mature a little, and that'll be great. and if not, that's wonderful too. i have a lot of growing to do before i'll be ready to even let boys back in. and He has growing to do too. we all do, everyone.

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