Sunday, May 29, 2011

accidentally in love.

sometimes, you fall for all the wrong guys. and life seems to be turned against you. and nothing is going right, and it seems like everyone is out to get you.
and then you meet one person.
and you fit perfectly in their arms, and their smile makes you happy, and it's just so easy to be yourself around them.
and everything that has happened seems to wash away.
and all that matters is that one person, and being with them, and talking to them, not because they are attractive, or because they're popular, or even because they like you.
you love being with them because you love the person you are when you're with them.
they bring out all your best qualities and you can't help but be a better person when you're with them.
and you wanna know what the best part is?
they're real.
they're painfully real, and that's what makes them so perfect.
they're perfect because of their imperfections.
and they're not from some movie, or tv show.
this is real life.
this is perfect stupidity.
this is teenage trust.
this is wonderful bliss.
this is the best feeling ever.

have you ever met someone who you just can't help but be happy when you see them?
someone who makes you smile just by being themselves?
someone who tells you you're beautiful and wonderful and amazing every day?
someone who you can't help but love just because of the gravity of their personality?
i have.
his name is roy beltran.
and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
and, against all odds, and all my crappy relationship history, he is my boyfriend[:
and i love him.
a lot.
the end[:

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