Monday, May 9, 2011

everything will be okay[:

The sun's gonna shine and the rain's gonna fall, but that's life so dance in the puddles and bathe in the sun. At the end of the day, just smile and it will all be okay.

there are some people in this world that i just don't understand. well, most of them. the ones who hurt other people for no good reason. the ones who are so worried about what everyone else thinks that they have no opinions. the ones who plug their ears and sing "la la la" whenever anything bad happens, just so they don't have to believe it. those people i just don't understand.

but, after thinking about it, i realized i am one of those people.
not most times.
just sometimes.
if i was one all the time, i just might have to shoot myself.

here's the thing.
sometimes, i'm mean to people.
most of the time i feel so guilty afterwards that i cry and tell them i'm sorry, but i still am mean. and me apologizing doesn't take back that i was mean.
sometimes i worry about what other people think.
and that has caused me a lot of problems.
sometimes, i close myself off to the world.
today is one of those days.

let's face it.
some things are hard.
losing a loved one: hard.
failing a test: hard.
others opinions: hard.
makeup work: hard.

and today, i just give up.

let me tell you a story.

there is this girl, who shall not be named, but this girl was having a rough week. she was fighting with her parents, spent most of her time driving around aimlessly cause she didn't want to go home. she was having trouble in school, getting behind, and not able to catch up. she was having trouble with friends. everyone seemed to gang up on her all at the same time.
then, her grandma died.
and she fell apart.
she decided that because no one would care if she cried, no one would know that she was hurting, no one would do anything even if they did know, she would just not hurt.
she was numb.
that way, when anyone called her a bitch, or life threw her on the ground again, or her parents got on her nerves, or her friends were being idiots, it wouldn't matter.
she was numb.
she gave up on life and everyone in it.
then she had a friend named chandler. and he was her best friend. and he was texting her one day, and he convinced her that she was worth something. he convinced her that all those stupid labels, or insults, or opnions of others were just that: stupid. others thoughts don't have any effect on that girl.
and she was happy.
she decided that she wouldn't worry about what anyone else thought of her.
she decided that life was worth living well, and not without emotion or feeling.
so now, she is trying everyday to live life.
to the fullest extent, having the most feeling and passion that she can, so that when it's over, she'll be able to look back and say, "damn, that was fun" :]
the end.