Saturday, August 6, 2011

meghan is grumpy

life has been hard.
between kidney infections.
stomach issues.
stresses about bodily malfunctions.
girls trying to steal my boyfriend.
ex-boyfriends trying to get me back.
*not happening to any of you reading this*
spilling my whole life story out to a bunch of people.
dealing with the consequences of other people's decisions.
coming home from girl's camp early.
wanting to punch some people in the face.
it's just been a rough week or two. to say the least.
and yes.
i have learned something.
you just gotta go with it.
i only make myself more sick by worrying about all this other stuff.
i love my boyfriend, and i trust that he won't hurt me.
i love my God, and i trust that He won't put me through more than i can handle.
i love the people around me, and, because of that, i deal with their drama.
i love my life, because i know that, even when things get hard, they always seem to straighten out in the end. and me worrying about it doesn't speed up the process or anything. 
just makes me miserable. 

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