Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hi, i'm meghan, and yes, i do have feelings.
there are 2 things i hate most in the world right now.
my parents.
stop treating me like a freakin' 5 year old and let me live.
yes, i have a boyfriend.
yes, i kiss him.
yes, i was 5 minutes late.
no, it's not right.
no, i'm not doing drugs.
no, i'm not having sex.
no, i'm not staying out all night partying.'.life
thank you.


  1. I kind of enjoy your blog[:
    And, to be quite honest, I am glad Roy found someone like you. He deserved that.

  2. Aw, meghan, thank you so much! that means the world to me[: you're so adorable. never change hun[: glad we're name buddies!

  3. Anytime. I drug that kid through hell and back at least 4 times. He didn't deserve that. He is a great guy and is SO much fun. I loved spending time with him and talking to him. But, I never felt 'it'. You know? I liked him, a lot. But, I think I am just to terrified to be in a relationship.
    So, I soo glad that he fell in love with you. He is a great guy and I know, that he will ALWAYS be there for you. That's something I really liked about the kid. He always knew what to say, and how to make you feel like you are on top of the world. I liked that.
    But, I couldn't be more happy for you two. It just fits. Perfectly.

  4. awe, thanks meghan. so much. that means, well, so much[: you're so adorable. i can't even handle it[: thee end.
