Sunday, July 15, 2012

and i don't wanna miss a thing.

I was seven years old, it was September, and I sat on the edge of my school's blacktop. My dad sat next to me, but I didn't look at him.

"You can skip 3rd Grade, Meghan. You're smart enough. But you need to realize something... if you do this, it's going to change your life for forever."
As he spoke, I looked at my white tights. I picked at the tear on the knee. I didn't understand.
"Change my whole life? Not really. It's only 3rd Grade, just like all the others." I thought.

And then I chose.
That choice led me to my fourth grade classroom.
It led me to bad handwriting that never left.

It led me to not knowing how to tie shoes.
It led me to honors classes starting in fourth grade.
        Those classes led me to Giant Pacific Octopus Sculptures and Democrats and the Quadratic Equation.
Honors classes led me to 7 AP tests, college classes and uncountable hours spent on homework.

That choice led me to my friend Destiny and our pet rock.
It led me to drama and Kemsley Corell and the moon and the first time someone held my hand.
It led me to Mr. K.'s classroom, lifelong friends, unanswered questions, and true learning.
It led me to The Beatles and Coldplay.
It led me to bright, loving, chocolate brown eyes and the most stupid decisions I have ever made.

It led me to Texas, North Carolina, and Ohio and then straight back home.
It led me to a 4.0 from Maeser.
        Maeser led me to Prom and basketball games and my Seniors.

That choice led me to 5th period seminary.
       That seminary class period led to after school discussions with Brother Robley who led me to apple pie.
       That apple pie led me to brown hair and lilacs and my favorite kiss and basketball and understanding who I am.
       That boy, with the brown hair, led me to true joy and heartbreak and unparalleled growth.

That choice I made on the blacktop almost a decade ago changed my entire life.
That choice I made while picking at my tights directed everything I've ever known.
That choice led me here.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So, watch your step."

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