Friday, October 29, 2010

today was... interesting? haha.

"What if there's no such thing as true love but we're just too afraid to admit it? So we keep on dressing up, we keep on pretending to be something that we're not. We keep on turning our lives upside down, losing ourselves in something that we hope is better than what we think we are. What if that something we're looking for, just doesn't exist? "
okay, that one is a longer one. but i like it. it's true. we do spend our whole lives thinking about things bigger than we are. we do dress up for the boy who will never notice and turn our whole life upside down trying to get them to notice. it's just the life of a teenager.
but today, our school dressed up for halloween and that's pretty exciting. i was a princess, cause i love dressing up, and it was pretty cool. i didn't like walking in the poofy dress, but it's good practice for if i ever get asked to a formal dance. :)
but hopefully i can hang out with a friend i miss today. that'd be really nice, but probably not. 
halloween is tomorrow for me, but i can't go trick or treating, so i'll probably end up staying home, doing nothing. haha. my life is fun... :/ oh well, we'll see and i'll keep you posted. 
SO, i'll probably leave you with a question everyday too, and in leiu of dressing up for school...!!! : What are you dressing up as for halloween this year??? :)
<3 love <3, megs. :)

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