Monday, December 12, 2011

just livin' life

i did some crazy things today.
told someone my feelings.
finally talked to someone.
told them my feelings.

maybe i should take pain meds more often.
they make me so ambitious(:


i was this way because i decided i want to be this way.
i'm going to decide one thing to do everyday.
today that thing was a little crazy,
well, a lot crazy,
but i'll choose something everyday.
-talk to someone new.
-help someone who looks upset.
-tell someone they look beautiful, and mean it.
-be someone's shoulder to cry on.

just something simple like that. 
and, it feels good to check something off my list.
usually, my list is taller than i am,
and there is simply no way to check everything off,
so i never check anything off.
i give up before i start because the task is too big.
so here's my first effort. 
ALWAYS check at least one thing off.
and who knows?
maybe that one thing can help someone else.
brighten their day.
((i do hope so:)))

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