Monday, June 6, 2011


well, there is this book. called Speak and i'm pretty sure it changed my life. you should read it. really.
we all go through tramatic experiences.
whether it's breaking your collar bone, or being raped, or your mom passing away, or moving across the country, or breaking up with a boyfriend.
all of these are tramatic in their own respect.
but here's the great thing about life.
we are ever changing.
we are ever growing.
and it is only through these experiences that we allow ourselves to change.
and it is through these experiences that we are molded, shaped, and refined into the people we are supposed to become.
and there is a process to dealing with things.
first, there is denial. this is the step where we deny that something happened, so that, in our minds, it didn't.
second, pain and guilt. in my opinion, the worst step. it's all my fault and life will never go back to being normal.
third, anger. emotional outbursts save you from the internal pain and greif you feel.
fourth, depression or loneliness. this step is usually when you focus more inwardly on the tramatic event. yes. it sucks.
fifth, upward turn. sometimes spiritual, others just a consious decision to change your life.
sixth, reconstruction. put your life back together and get back into a routine.
seventh, hope and acceptance. yes, this happened to me.

in speak the main character was raped. and the book is her journey to acceptance.
i love it.
thee end.
just thought you should know.
and read it.

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