Sunday, February 19, 2012

it's the best feeling in the world; knowing that someone actually cares about you.

keep this in mind, one day, there's going to be a guy who's going to walk into your life and who is going to love you, your body, your smile, the way you walk, the way you talk, he's going to love you. And you're going to feel confident and on top of the world. One day, you won't feel insecure because you have someone who loves you for who you are. and i think that's when you know it's love. when instead of feeling like you have to hide your flaws, and feel insecure and embarrassed, you feel unashamed, free, secure, safe, proud, happy, confident. you feel loved. someday.

he knows everything about me. he knows i made mistakes with my last boyfriend. he knows i lied. he knows i spent time in the mental hospital. he knows i'm a little crazy. but he loves me anyways. he knows how to calm me down when i'm freaking out. he knows when to listen and when to give advice. he knows when to hold me and when to let me be angry. he just knows. and that is why he is my best friend. that is why i love him.

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